近日,我院华岳副教授、博士生谭小清和暨南大学邱筠副教授合作的学术论文“The effects of temperature on mental health: evidence from China”于Journal of Population Economics在线刊出。该论文采用微观个体数据研究了气候变化对心理健康的影响、机制及适应性行为。Journal of Population Economics是劳动经济学及人口经济学领域国际顶级期刊,我院院定A2类期刊。

论文摘要:We examine the effects of ambient temperatures on mental health using a nationally representative longitudinal survey of Chinese individuals. We find that temperatures over 30◦C significantly increase the likelihood of depression. High temperatures have larger detrimental effects on the mental health of the middle-aged and elderly, females, the less-educated, and agricultural workers. We discuss two likely mechanisms for the mental health impact of high temperatures: raising the incidence of physical illness and reducing sleeping time. We find suggestive evidence of air conditioners moderating the adverse impacts of high temperatures and of adaptation tohigh temperatures in the long term. We reveal that without any government interventions or private adaptation, mental health will deteriorate by 3.1% in the medium term and 5.3% in the long term based on the Hadley GEM2-ES climate-change projection.